CSS Fonts
Last Updated Jul 21, 2015, 12:00:06 PM
CSS Fonts
has many options for defining text styles. Font properties also enable us to change the appearance of text by assigning a font family, font size, thickness and more
CSS Fonts are used to style the fonts of HTML elements. Like font-size
, font-color
, font-family
when talk about “font†we are indeed talking about the font face. The font face is the actual typeface is used for the type. But technically, the font is everything about the type from font-weight
, font-size
, line height
and so on
CSS has two different types of font familes.
- Generic Family
- Font family
CSS Generic Font Family
If the user agent viewing your Web page does not have access to the font you have chosen, it will use a different font instead. If you indicate which generic font family you'd like the user agent to use, you can have a little more control over your Web page.
There are two types of generic family name like Serif, Sans-serif, or Monospace.
Serif fonts have a finishing stroke or tapering ends at the end of some characters,
and they're usually proportionately spaced.
Examples of Serif typefaces are Times and Georgia
Sans Serif fonts
Unlike Serif fonts, Sans-serif fonts have stroke endings that are plain
without any finishing strokes or ornamentation.
Examples of Sans-serif typefaces are Verdana
or Helvetica
All letters and characters will share the same fixed when we use the Monospace and they each take almost the same horizontal space on the web page.
Examples of Monospace typefaces are Courier
and Lucida Console
The following table shows examples of various fonts (your browser may not know all of them) and you can see what your browser does with each of the five generic ones:
'sans-serif': normal fonts without serifs | |
Helvetica, sans-serif |
The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog | Verdana, sans-serif |
The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog | Gill Sans, sans-serif |
The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog | Avantgarde, sans-serif |
The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog | Helvetica Narrow, sans-serif |
The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog |
sans-serif |
The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog |
'serif': normal fonts with serifs | |
Times, serif |
The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog |
Times New Roman, serif |
The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog |
Palatino, serif |
The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog |
Bookman, serif |
The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog |
New Century Schoolbook, serif |
The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog |
serif |
The Quick Brown Fox Jumps Over The Lazy Dog |
CSS Font family
Font family
allows us to specify a typeface for the text in an element. Whatever value we specify is the name of the typefase we wanted to use on the web page.
There are 2 types of font-family
the name of a specific font family such as Verdana, Arial, or Helvetica
Some sample font families are
Times New Roman, Bodoni, Garamond, Minion Web, ITC Stone Serif, MS Georgia, Bitstream Cyberbit
Syntax Example
The name of a font-family of choice.
<generic-family>:The last value is a generic family name. The following generic families are defined:
- 'serif' (e.g., Times)
- sans-serif' (e.g., Helvetica)
- 'monospace' (e.g., Courier)
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We can specify the fonts as a comma-separated list indicating the alternatives. In case if the user's browser does not have the font installed then the browser will automatically use the alternative font from list In this example, if Georgia is available, it will be used when rendering. If not, then Times will be used. If both Georgia and Times are not available, the browser will then use the generic font family of Serif as a last resort. It's good practice to include a generic font family as a last alternative in the font stack.
If a font family is made up of more than one word, then we knew to put the font inside of quotes. In our paragraph rule, we added a font- family. And as you'll see, Times New Roman is three words, We need to put Times New Roman inside the quotes
Different Font Family Properties
Font Family Property | Video | Live Example |
Helvetica, sans-serif | Watch GIF | Try It |
Times New Roman, serif | Watch GIF | Try It |
Palatino, serif | Try It | |
New Century Schoolbook, serif | Try It | |
Bookman, serif | Try It |
CSS Font style
CSS font-style
property is used to specify the font style for text.
CSS accepts the most common used font-style values such as normal, italic, and oblique.
normal Text will be shown in normal style
italicText will be shown in italic style
obliqueIt is simialr to oblique the text name is leaning.
Normal is the default value for font-style
It displays a normal font style
so nothing changes.
The value italic
causes the font to appear italic.
The browser displays it by selecting the Italic font from the typeface family defined.
The value of oblique cause the font to appear as oblique.
These are commonly sloped versions of the normal value.
Most browsers use italic as substitutes for an oblique.
And if no italic
or oblique
fonts are available,
the browser can create a synthetic style
by rendering the normal face with a sloping transformation applied.
The table below shows some different styles. Unless you have a very rich collection of fonts, many of the rows will be the same.
rule | serif | sans-serif | Video | Live Example |
font-style: normal |
The Quick... | The Quick... | Watch GIF | Try It |
font-style: italic |
The Quick... | The Quick... | Watch GIF | Try It |
font-style: oblique |
The Quick... | The Quick... | Watch GIF | Try It |
In CSS3, there is one more style available: 'font-effect'
makes the letters look engraved or embossed.
CSS Font Size
CSS font-size
property allows us to set the size of a font.
The CSS fonts can be styled using either keywords or units. The keyword values are small, medium, and large
The font-size value can be an absolute, or relative size.
Absolute size:Absolute size sets the text to a specified size. Absolute size is useful when the physical size of the output is known
Relative size:Relative size sets the size relative to surrounding elements Allows a user to change the text size in browsers
ExampleWatch GIF Try It Now
The most common way to set a font size is with length units or percentages.
A common way to set a font size is with pixels.
Pixels give us precise control over the text size,
so if we set a font-size
to 20 pixels,
each browser will display the size at precisely 20 pixels.
The font size of 100% is equal to 16 pixels, 200% is equal to 32 pixels,
CSS font-weight Property
CSS font-weight
property sets how thick or thin characters in a text should be displayed.
Property Values
- normal
- bold
- bolder
- lighter
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The following table show the different
properties we can userule | serif | sans-serif | Video | Live Example | |
Weights | |||||
font-weight: 100 |
The Quick... | The Quick... | Watch GIF | Try It | |
font-weight: 300 |
The Quick... | The Quick... | Watch GIF | Try It | |
font-weight: normal |
The Quick... | The Quick... | Try It | ||
font-weight: 600 |
The Quick... | The Quick... | Watch GIF | Try It | |
font-weight: bold |
The Quick... | The Quick... | Watch GIF | Try It | |
font-weight: 900 |
The Quick... | The Quick... | Watch GIF | Try It |
CSS font-variant Property
CSS font-variant
property specifies whether or not text should be displayed in small caps font,
which is a font where the lowercase letters appear as smaller versions
of the uppercase letters.
The font-variant property, we can set the font variant that will be used for the text.
Syntax Property Values
- normal
- small-caps
- initial
- inherit
Try It Now
Different types of Font variant Properties
rule | serif | sans-serif | Live Example | ||
Variants | |||||
font-variant: normal |
The Quick... | The Quick... | Try It | ||
font-variant: small-caps |
The Quick... | The Quick... | Try It |
CSS3 font-stretch Property
property allows you to make text wider or narrower.
The font-stretch
property, introduced in CSS3, selects a normal, condensed or expanded face from a font.
To use font-stretch
and see a result of some kind, the font being used has to have a face that matches the value given. In other words, font-stretch will not work on just any font, but only on fonts that are designed with different faces matching the defined sizes.
Property Values
Value | Description |
ultra-condensed | Makes the text as narrow as it gets |
extra-condensed | Makes the text narrower than condensed, but not as narrow as ultra-condensed |
condensed | Makes the text narrower than semi-condensed, but not as narrow as extra-condensed |
semi-condensed | Makes the text narrower than normal, but not as narrow as condensed |
normal | Default value. No font stretching |
semi-expanded | Makes the text wider than normal, but not as wide as expanded |
expanded | Makes the text wider than semi-expanded, but not as wide as extra-expanded |
extra-expanded | Makes the text wider than expanded, but not as wide as ultra-expanded |
ultra-expanded | Makes the text as wide as it gets |
initial | Sets this property to its default value. |
inherit | Inherits this property from its parent element. |
Finally, the font property is a convenient shorthand property for setting all of the properties we just learned in 1 declaration.
CSS Font Property
Try It Now
When using the shorthand property, it's important to remember that
the font size and font family must be specified.
If they are omitted, the entire line is ignored.
Also, the order of the values is important and not completely free.
The font-style, font-variant, and font-weight values
if they're used, they must be defined before the font-size value.
Any optional value that is omitted will be set to its initial value and not its inherited value.
Finally, the font family needs to be the last value defined.
Browser Support
Property | |||||||
font-family | 1.0 | 1.0 | 1.0 | 3.5 | 4.0 | Supported | Supported |
Practice with our Interactive Live Code Editors and Take your CSS Skills to the next level
CSS Font Family Property Exercises
Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Exercise 5CSS Font Style Property Exercises
Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3CSS Font Weight Property Exercises
Exercise 1 Exercise 2 Exercise 3 Exercise 4 Exercise 5CSS Font Variant Property Exercises
Exercise 1 Exercise 2Sources and Credits
The source of the content has been referred and updated with Mozilla Foundation and W3C Organization
Last Updated Jul 21, 2015, 12:00:06 PM